Program description
Program Objectives
Training of suitable persons from the profession technician and animal health technician, primarily in the areas of clinical research. The work of technicians and animal health technicians is to assist veterinarians and researchers in animal experiments in the exercise of their functions. In both cases they are or who may perform tests on animals in their care and establish systems conducive to achieving the technical aspects of animal health services.
Avoir réussi les cours du secondaire :
- CST 4e : Mathématique, séquence Culture, société et technique de la 4e secondaire (063404)
- STE ou SE 4e: Science et technologie de l’environnement (058404) ou Science et environnement (058402) de la 4e secondaire
Is the person eligible for the program that meets the general admission requirements defined in the Regulations the College Education (CERN), and where appropriate, the following specific conditions:
Mathematics 514 or a mathematics course for Secondary 4 and determined by the Minister with objectives of a comparable level of difficulty (426 or 436);
Physical Science 436.
Duration of training
Program Content
Course Name / Jurisdiction | Nom du cours / Objectifs et standards |
00QJ | Analyze the work function |
00QK | Manage equipment and materials |
00QL | Proceed to the admission of animals |
00QM | Ensuring the smooth running of a pet |
00QN | Providing care (nursing) |
00QP | Providing care in the Context of Animal Breeding consumption |
00QQ | Perform tests of clinical biochemistry and immunology |
00QR | Perform tests cytology and histology and necropsies |
00QS | Perform tests of Hematology |
00QT | Perform tests of Microbiology and Parasitology |
00QU | Doing animal husbandry |
00QV | Maintain cell cultures and microbial cultures |
00QW | Provide assistance in radiology |
00QX | Assist in surgery |
00QY | Perform dental prophylaxis |
00QZ | Participate in experimental surgery |
00R0 | Conduct investigations physiological |
00R1 | Provide customer service |
00R2 | Participate in an animal experiment |
00R3 | Use techniques of animal control |
00R4 | Using laboratory techniques of chemistry and biochemistry |
00R5 | Linking genetic and cellular growth and reproduction animal |
00R6 | Preventing the spread of microorganisms and parasites |
00R7 | Establish links between the anatomy and physiology of animals and interventions related to their functions |
00R8 | Managing nutritional care |
00R9 | Establish practical recognition and modification of animal behavior |
00RA | Recognize signs of pathology |
00RB | Analyze the effects of a drug on animals |